Dear Reza & Iranian Heritage Council:
Thank you for your historic clarifications.
The Geeska Afrika Online, HAN and IGAD news Headlines, will use as a reference to Persian Gulf instead of Arabian Gulf.
We are the only News Magazine across the horn of Africa since 1985. We write stories about the region; we work with you to educate our brothers and sisters (IGAD Government institution) in The Horn of Africa. We are ready to participate in any future historical symposiums or discussions. I would suggest you to communicate with us, as news agencies and media
all the Horn of Africa are using the wrong name to educate future
generation of Somali, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and Yemen (our Reporting Zone).
We will make corrections to any future News, views and Reports.
Yours sincerely,
Nour Kaafi, MBA
Managing Editor and Publisher (1985-2005) (endorsed by Google news, MSNBC, Aljaziira, BBC and
Global strategic council)
Dear Friends @ Geeska Afrika Online,
I am writing to you regarding the page above.
While I was reading it, I came across a word which was strange to
me. It was the name of a gulf ( Arabian Gulf), but I wasn’t able to
figure out where it was, until I did some research. Having done
that, I found these valuable information about it:
1850 Cowperthwait Map of Persia & Arabia (once part of the great
1850 edition of Mitchell’s Universal Atlas)
An 1842 German map of Middle East by Landshut, Vogel
According to these 2 maps, it’s the ancient name of the current ”
Red Sea”. But I wondered, because your page was up to date!
So I had to continue my research , I searched it in an encyclopedia
and here is what I found :
So finally I came to a conclusion, and that is you have used an
incorrect name for this gulf.
Since it was an important issue and I wanted to be sure about the
name, I decided to check the name in an international organization.
Fortunately I found some in the United Nations’ documents :
All the above proves it to be the ” Persian Gulf. ”
So could I possibly ask you to kindly reconsider the name you have
chosen for this gulf?
By the way, I have also heard that this name (Persian Gulf ) was
first used by Greek sailors who entered this waterway.
So let us respect the history.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Reza Zakeri